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HSBC Global Strategy Portfolios

Affordable, risk-managed and globally diversified multi-asset portfolios

HSBC’s Global Strategy Portfolios are a suite of five risk-managed funds that provide affordable access to global markets. Each fund in the range is constructed to match individual risk tolerance and provides diversification across the major global asset classes and regions.

The portfolios’ asset allocations are actively managed by HSBC’s UK Multi Asset Investment Platform.

Portfolio asset-allocations

Portfolio asset-allocations

Source: HSBC Asset Management, March 2024. Pie charts for illustrative purposes only. Allocations may change without prior notice. Ongoing charges figure (OCFs) from ‘C Acc share class’ of the relevant fund, as at March 2024.

Portfolio risk ratings

Portfolio risk ratings table
All risk ratings as at March 2024.


Ratings should not be taken as a recommendation. All risk ratings as at March 2024. *Copyright © 2024 - Morningstar UK Limited. All Rights Reserved. The HSBC Global Strategy Conservative, Balanced, Dynamic and Adventurous Portfolios - C Acc share class - are all rated 5 Stars. The Cautious Portfolio - C Acc share class - is rated 4 stars. 1. The FE Investments Approved logo applies to Cautious, Conservative, Balanced, Dynamic and Adventurous portfolios. 2. The FE Investments 4 Crown Fund Rating relates to the Balanced, Dynamic and Adventurous Portfolios. Conservative Portfolio rated 3 crowns. 3. The Dynamic Planner Premium logo relates to the Conservative, Balanced, Dynamic and Adventurous portfolios. 4. The Defaqto 5 diamond logo relates to the Cautious, Conservative, Balanced, Dynamic and Adventurous portfolios. 5. The FinaMetrica score refers to their ‘ok risk’ range. 6. The Synaptic score refers to their 1-5 scale SAA rating. 7. The EValue Risk Ratings is based on 1-10 scale data generated by Fund Risk Assessor on a 25 year time horizon.

Why choose the HSBC Global Strategy Portfolios?

  • Five globally diversified and risk managed multi-asset portfolios
  • Provides access to growth opportunities from across the world, through a truly globally diversified portfolio without a UK bias
  • Employs active asset allocation; tilting portfolios with the objective of emphasising gains as markets rise, and reduce losses when markets fall
  • Strong focus on cost, using cost-efficient direct holdings, and index funds where appropriate
  • Suitable for investors across a range of risk and return objectives
Risk Warning
The value of investments and any income from them can go down as well as up and investors may not get back the amount originally invested.


Resources for professionals Resources for your clients
HSBC Global Strategy Portfolios At a glance

HSBC Global Strategy Portfolios At a glance
Key highlights of Global Strategy Portfolios Service features that you must know

Opportunities for Cautious Clients

Opportunities for Cautious Clients
Highlighted opportunities for fixed income investment for Cautious clients from UK interest rate prediction, inflation impact and latest level of bond yield

HSBC Global Strategy Portfolios Quarterly Report

HSBC Global Strategy Portfolios Quarterly Report
Latest market outlook and quarterly performance & positioning of Global Strategy Portfolios

HSBC Global Strategy Portfolios Brochure

HSBC Global Strategy Portfolios Brochure
Client-friendly materials to introduce key features of HSBC Global Strategy Portfolios


Explaining the similarities and differences between HSBC Global Strategy Portfolios and HSBC Global Managed Portfolio Service

How long should I stay invested?

How long should I stay invested?
Use this chart to demonstrate to clients how longer investment periods reduce the likelihood that they will sustain a loss

HSBC Global Strategy Portfolios Reasons Why

HSBC Global Strategy Portfolios Reasons Why
Explaining the benefits of choosing HSBC Asset Management and Global Strategy Portfolios

The long term history of market returns

The long term history of market returns
For clients concerned about short term losses in their portfolio, this chart demonstrates the long term compounding power of staying invested

Multi-Asset – Key Differentiators

Multi-Asset – Key Differentiators
The key differentiators of how HSBC Multi-Asset investment process run

What is in our portfolios and why?

What is in our portfolios and why?
Explain to your clients the asset classes that are held in an HSBC portfolio and why

A reason for investing

A reason for investing
Use this chart to highlight the strong asset class returns over the past 20 years, and minimal long term impact of market and geopolitical events

Importance of asset diversification

Importance of asset diversification
This graphic demonstrates to clients how diversifying their portfolios across a wide range of asset classes can reduce the variability of their returns

Key risks

It is important to remember that the value of investments and any income from them can go down as well as up and is not guaranteed.

Counterparty risk: The possibility that the counterparty to a transaction may be unwilling or unable to meet its obligations

Credit Risk: A bond or money market security could lose value if the issuer’s financial health deteriorates.

Default Risk: The issuers of certain bonds could become unwilling or unable to make payments on their bonds.

Derivatives Risk: Derivatives can behave unexpectedly. The pricing and volatility of many derivatives may diverge from strictly reflecting the pricing or volatility of their underlying reference(s), instrument or asset

Emerging Markets Risk: Emerging markets are less established, and often more volatile, than developed markets and involve higher risks, particularly market, liquidity and currency risks.

Exchange Rate Risk: Changes in currency exchange rates could reduce or increase investment gains or investment losses, in some cases significantly.

Interest Rate Risk: When interest rates rise, bond values generally fall. This risk of this happening is generally greater the longer the maturity of a bond investment and the higher its credit quality.

Investment Fund Risk: Investing in other funds involves certain risks an investor would not face if investing in markets directly. Governance of underlying assets can be the responsibility of third-party managers.

Investment Leverage Risk: Investment leverage occurs when the economic exposure is greater than the amount invested, such as when derivatives are used. A Fund that employs leverage may experience greater gains and/or losses due to the amplification effect from a movement in the price of the reference source.

Liquidity Risk: Liquidity risk is the risk that a Fund may encounter difficulties meeting its obligations in respect of financial liabilities that are settled by delivering cash or other financial assets, thereby compromising existing or remaining investors.

Operational Risk: Operational risks may subject the Fund to errors affecting transactions, valuation, accounting, and financial reporting, among other things.

For more detailed information on the risks associated with this fund, investors should refer to the prospectus of the fund.

Important information

The HSBC Global Strategy Portfolios are sub-funds of HSBC OpenFunds an Open Ended Investment Company that is authorised in the UK by the Financial Conduct Authority. The Authorised Corporate Director and Investment Manager is HSBC Global Asset Management (UK) Limited. All applications are made on the basis of the prospectus, Key Investor Information Document (KIID), Supplementary Information Document (SID) and most recent annual and semiannual report, which can be obtained upon request free of charge from HSBC Global Asset Management (UK) Limited, 8, Canada Square, Canary Wharf, London, E14 5HQ, UK, or the local distributors. Investors and potential investors should read and note the risk warnings in the prospectus and relevant KIID and additionally, in the case of retail clients, the information contained in the supporting SID.

HSBC Global Strategy Portfolios are actively managed.

The funds may use derivatives for the purposes of efficient portfolio management i.e. to meet the investment objective of the Fund and it is not intended that their use will raise the overall risk profile of the Fund. Please note derivative instruments may involve a high degree of financial risk. These risks include the risk that a small movement in the price of an underlying security or benchmark may result in disproportionately large movement; unfavourable or favourable in the price of the derivative instrument; the risk of default by counterparty; and the risk that transactions may not be liquid.

There are additional risks associated with specific alternative investments within the portfolios; these investments may be less readily realisable than others and it may therefore be difficult to sell in a timely manner at a reasonable price or to obtain reliable information about their value; there may also be greater potential for significant price movements.

The long term nature of investment in property and the income generated tend to make this type of investment less volatile than equities although it can be difficult to buy and/or sell quickly. Where the underlying funds invest directly in property, the property in the fund may not be readily realisable, and the Manager of the fund may apply a deferral on redemption requests. The value of property is generally a matter of the valuer’s opinion rather than fact.